Mia Moilanen, LMT
My commitment to my healing journey happened back in 2013 when my body and mind were tired and fed up, I was in severe chronic pain. During this time I was working in a job that I felt lost and unfulfilled in. This was my wake up call to make some changes in my life.
In 2016 I started to take some bodywork classes to heal myself. What I found was that through my own healing I was awakening a side of me that I never knew existed. In 2018 I attended my first John Barnes' myofascial release seminar. It was life changing to be in a room with over 100 therapists wanting to be in service to heal and help others heal too. There was this sense of authenticity and a deeper dive into healing that I never experienced before.
When I decided to become a Myofascial Release Therapist I knew that it was serious and I had a strong desire to know and experience as much as I could so that I could provide the healing therapy for clients. Helping clients return to pain free and active lifestyles is one of the more rewarding experiences. In order to provide this therapy at such a level I constantly take seminars to craft my skill set and create amazing outcomes for my clients. A good therapist can only take their patients as far as the therapist has gone themselves.

906.451.5232 flourishtherapies@gmail.com 920 W. Water Street, Hancock, MI 49930